Neoscrypt for nvidia cards based on cuda: Call for donation.
First it is always nice bragging that you can do this and that but if you don’t do it. It is a bit pointless… :)
Also, nobody ever released a decent opencl kernel for nvidia cards and scrypt (for example) and it was pretty much assumed they weren’t suitable for mining, until Christian Buchner released a cuda kernel for them…
(So I would be curious to see the result… so if you join the competition…)No bragging. If anyone donates enough crypto for me to buy a GTX 980, I write a fast OpenCL kernel and release it for free + future updates if any.
Regarding your comment about opensource and nvidia.
Opensource software are to support people using nvidia card not to support nvidia itself.
Lately nvidia came up with low power card which perform pretty well, so there are people interested in having miners for those card.
So they deserve miners as well…It’s simple. If you buy a NVIDIA based card, you support NVIDIA. By producing software supporting these cards, you also support NVIDIA. It doesn’t make me happy to spend time on this, but buying their overpriced hardware at my own expence makes it a no go. I have nothing faster than a 9800GTX used in the past for CUDA and PhysX until OpenCL came into existence (ATI Brook was another kind of pain).
I would happily put some cash forward for an improved NVidia NeoScrypt miner. I can’t cover a whole card but I’ll put in £40 of crypto.
I would happily put some cash forward for an improved NVidia NeoScrypt miner. I can’t cover a whole card but I’ll put in £40 of crypto.
or you could pledge for my miner based on ccminer (which should get released in about 2 weeks)
I saw that you are running 3 750ti at a total hashrate of 120kh/s
with ccminer you’ll get about 130kh/s per 750ti ie: 390kh/s instead of 120kh/s
(and I am still working on it)
No bragging. If anyone donates enough crypto for me to buy a GTX 980, I write a fast OpenCL kernel and release it for free + future updates if any.
Well it is free but you need people to donate a card, so that’s not really free :) No I guess you understand the reason for a pledge…
Regarding Nvidia cards, sure I support their products. They have nice cards some are clearly overpriced but not all. The 750ti was pretty cheap and pretty good for mining (and the forthcoming gtx960 shouldn’t be too expensive with performance probably better than the 750ti).
Regarding opencl. Wolf0 who developped neoscrypt kernel for sgminer5 claims he has a kernel (private) doing 600kh/s on 290x may-be you could try to reach that speed with yours and release it for free, I guess you already have the material (Wolf0 won’t be happy if he reads me ;) )
Regarding opencl. Wolf0 who developped neoscrypt kernel for sgminer5 claims he has a kernel (private) doing 600kh/s on 290x may-be you could try to reach that speed with yours and release it for free, I guess you already have the material (Wolf0 won’t be happy if he reads me ;) )
Maybe he does have. I also haven’t got a 290X for this kind of experiments. Been waiting for 390X. The GCN cards are fast already. Pre-GCN cards need some ignition, but it isn’t going to happen with the current 1-way miners.
to be honest, I’d prefer a direct Cuda based kernel, omitting opencl as much as possible.
Both CUDA and OpenCL are high level abstractions. The only important difference is the 1st proprietary and the 2nd free. OpenCL gets translated into CAL/IL and further into ISA on AMD. CUDA and OpenCL get translated into PTX and further into ISA on NVIDIA. Considering this infomation, CUDA is getting obsolete and will die sooner or later.
Both CUDA and OpenCL are high level abstractions. The only important difference is the 1st proprietary and the 2nd free. OpenCL gets translated into CAL/IL and further into ISA on AMD. CUDA and OpenCL get translated into PTX and further into ISA on NVIDIA. Considering this infomation, CUDA is getting obsolete and will die sooner or later.
I think you are expressing more an opinion than a fact.
I personnally prefer to program with cuda than opencl, I had to do both implementation in my two last projects (vtc and csd). Debugging is a lot easier and to be honest sgminer tends to makes things even worst…
Well, I’m not that far in hardware related programming, but I simply like the fact, that I don’t need to start my X when using cudaminer as the driver is loaded without having a X environment running.
Well, I’m not that far in hardware related programming, but I simply like the fact, that I don’t need to start my X when using cudaminer as the driver is loaded without having a X environment running.
I find very annoying the whole thing of using OpenCL on AMD only with fglrx and Xorg loaded, fake screens set up or even dummy plugs installed in the past. Does NVIDIA require Xorg running for OpenCL?
I think you are expressing more an opinion than a fact.
I personnally prefer to program with cuda than opencl, I had to do both implementation in my two last projects (vtc and csd). Debugging is a lot easier and to be honest sgminer tends to makes things even worst…
We all express personal opinions here. SGminer is just another fork for GPU mining. A better one may appear some day.
Yes, you need to have Xorg running for NVidia cards as well, it’s an Opencl thing and not hardware related.
Ghostlander, if you can create a cudabased miner that performs well I’ll gladly send you a 750ti that I have over just lying in a box right now to test it on :)
What a guy!
He better work on it, because with current state of donation, no way I open source my software.
I’d prefer to create a fast OpenCL kernel for NVIDIA rather than CUDA based. It’s easier to maintain and debug for me at least. If we manage to crowdfund the hardware cost, the rest is my business. I think GTX 750 Ti doesn’t qualify for this job alone because miners compare by high end cards. There is no guarantee a kernel optimised for a low end or mainstream card performs the best for a high end one.
You are such a hypocrite, you come to bitcointalk to say that opensource should be free and nobody should donate before a program has been released but then you are asking here to crowdfund your gpu’s (and not a cheap 750ti…)
djm34, improvements for nvidia cards would always be welcome and I’d gladly tip you, I think anyone that helps the community deserves our support, that said, I won’t be ‘tipping’ upfront unless someone from the feathercoin team was holding the bounty address, because that’s the safest thing for our members. To me 5BTC seems very high but I have no doubt that paying for your expertise would far exceed that if you were to be paid out there in the real world for your time, so I understand your frustration. I’d never hold anything against someone who expects paying for their time, that said, it’s not the usual way we do things round here.
djm34, improvements for nvidia cards would always be welcome and I’d gladly tip you, I think anyone that helps the community deserves our support, that said, I won’t be ‘tipping’ upfront unless someone from the feathercoin team was holding the bounty address, because that’s the safest thing for our members. To me 5BTC seems very high but I have no doubt that paying for your expertise would far exceed that if you were to be paid out there in the real world for your time, so I understand your frustration. I’d never hold anything against someone who expects paying for their time, that said, it’s not the usual way we do things round here.
The 5btc was most of an indication, I am not expecting to wait for that much either… (for info ghostlander is asking for around 2.5btc upfront to get the card before he even start working on it. so this is exactly the same)
I wouldn’t have anything against a bounty hold by the feathercoin team, actually that was part of the reason I posted here… (not to have an argument with someone who think neoscrypt is his algo… ) and the program already exist…
You are such a hypocrite, you come to bitcointalk to say that opensource should be free and nobody should donate before a program has been released but then you are asking here to crowdfund your gpu’s (and not a cheap 750ti…)
No problem to crosspost here.
“Because it’s quite obvious I cannot deliver a fast kernel for GTX 980 using a GTX 750 Ti only. These are two different cards based on two different GPUs, though of the same Maxwell architecture. In addition, the card getting crowdfunded doesn’t become my sole property. Compare to your demands now and start acting like an adult rather than a spoiled child.”
No problem to crosspost here.
"Because it’s quite obvious I cannot deliver a fast kernel for GTX 980 using a GTX 750 Ti only. These are two different cards based on two different GPUs, though of the same Maxwell architecture. In addition, the card getting crowdfunded doesn’t become my sole property.
Come on !!!
Please don’t take readers for complete idiot, this is insulting
You brag about being able to do this and that in opencl while most of the people don’t even use your kernel as they used a kernel released by Wolf0 most likely better. (yeah, I may-be acting a bit like a spoil child right now…
this is what happen when someone come to brag to a thread I created to say he can do better, while not having seen the code, and not even owning proper hardware to do the job… )