What do you do for living?
You gotta have a head for heights dude! ;D
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“33017” timestamp=“1383263162”]
I work as a Digital Dude and Project Manager for film and television stuff.
Previous career was photography.
I threw that one right up against the wall.
Screw you reasonably priced DSLR’s and a thinning market!
[/quote]We have almost exactly the same CV :)
I got out of film in 2011 for that very reason.
I’m a student but work/intern part-time at a service desk that caters to pharmaceutical reps.
I have a degree in Animal Science and about to finish a 2 year in Information Security, so depending on what comes my way after graduating this Spring I’ll be employed at one of two different extremes haha.
I’m a Software Engineer for a startup. :)
Iam an IT-engineer in the 5th semester at FHWS Schweinfurt Germany! 2 years left for my Dipl. IT-engineer degree.
I am an IT-engineer degree. I work as a Oracle database developer for Telecom .
See … [url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,259.0.html]http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,259.0.html[/url]
engineer degree, working as network specialist for a computer company
[quote name=“chrisj” post=“33021” timestamp=“1383265941”]
We have almost exactly the same CV :)I got out of film in 2011 for that very reason.
[/quote]Almost samesies!
I am a chartered Physicist, with a PhD in Noise and Vibration.
I also worked as a senior consultant for 20 years with additional expertise in maintenance management strategies, implementation, techniques and analysis; also Software development management.
I was QAR for a company that installed and trained complex maintenance management systems and vibration analysis tools. I am now retired, disabled. Helping promote and secure alternate currency networks is now my main hobby after playing the guitar.
I have a sugar momma! :P
Software Developer stuck doing screen design UGH
I was going to say that,“I’m a coal miner and I wanted to try mining something that wouldn’t give me the black lung,” but then my dumb conscience got the better of me.
I’m a Network Admin for a non-profit.
Software Developer.
I run a beer warehouse. :)
I draw CAD and operate a table router CNC machine and also a laser cutter for the Point of Sale Display manufacturing industry… z z z z boring :)
I do a lot of things to make money. Most of them are related to technology.
Probably one of the most interesting things is I invent artificial life techniques that will hasten the collapse of civilization as we know it and eventually lead to the extinction of the human race.
No, I’m not making this up. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_life]It really is a thing (wikipedia).[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionary_computation]This is my specific field of research (wikipedia).[/url] I get invited to speak at conferences all the time about my work.
Yes, I’ve had it all peer reviewed.
Yes, it’s completely viable long term.
Yes, it works. All too well I’m afraid.
No I’m not delusional. I just don’t think homo sapient is the end-all-be-all evolutionary speaking, and we as a technology faring civilization can do better.
No, I’m not evil. I just am unhappy with the status quo.
No it doesn’t pay very well.
[quote name=“Feather5154” post=“33083” timestamp=“1383337076”]
I have a sugar momma! :P
[/quote]I want your job.
[quote name=“Kevlar” post=“33602” timestamp=“1383939710”]
Probably one of the most interesting things is I invent artificial life techniques that will hasten the collapse of civilization as we know it and eventually lead to the extinction of the human race.
[/quote]So, you’re saying that you make those lifelike Japanese sex robots … right?
I teach social science in secondary school, specializing in Politics & Law. Yes, I’m a politics/history/economics/geography nerd. 8)