[ANN] Unstoppable - Feathercoin Weekly News #26
Feathercoin Official Weekly Update #26
Tuesday 1th April 2014
Feathercoin Key Stats
350 days since genesis block creation
Approx. 38,300,000 of Feathercoins created
Approx. 16.7 days behind target generation rateThe people worth paying attention to aren’t the ones who shout the loudest or who have the biggest advertising budgets and the person in the meeting doing all the talking probably isn’t the one with the best ideas.
We have from day one put the people first, the quiet ones who work hard in the background while everyone is looking the other way. It’s people like that who turn up every day and make the world go round. There’s no need for fancy introductions when the work just speaks for itself.
_by @Ruthie_If you cast your minds back to earlier this year you may remember that Hull City Council came to our January meet up as they wanted to find out more about Feathercoin and what we were all about. They had already done a lot of research and we were impressed with their knowledge of crypto currency.
Several emails followed and Chrisj, Chris from The Oxford Blue and myself attended one of their local forum meet ups in early March.
Hull City Council’s aim is to mine crypto currency via multipools and buy Feathercoins to distribute as rebranded Hullcoins to people living in financial need, Hull City Council have provided a network of shops that will accept Hullcoin.
Hullcoin logo
Hullcoin is going to be a mix of 50:50 Feathercoin and Ven. David Shepherdson for Hull City Council says “One hullcoin is a hybrid of Feathercoin and Ven. This would be to potentially counteract issues with volatility. This would work by issuing one Feathercoin and the equivalent value in Ven. This would mean the ‘currency’ would remain digital but a combination of crypto and something that is pegged to a basket of trade-able commodities.”I’m proud not only that they have made Feathercoin their choice of crypto currency, but that I have also been invited and accepted a position on the Hull City Council board of directors for this project. I will be acting as first point of contact for Hull, but hope we can all support them in making the change for people in need.
You can find the Coindesk article by David Gilson here.I appreciate there will be a lot of questions regarding this, as this project is in its infancy stages some of the details are yet to be confirmed but please be rest assured that once we have further details and answers to the questions we will update you.
Feathercoin Meetup 29th March
_by @Bushstar_A pleasant evening was had at the wonderful Oxford Blue. We were treated with some very interesting gadgets. The first was bought along by Uncle Muddy who has spent the last month building a Feathercoin ATM. We got to see it close up and give it a try. By putting £1 into the slot it printed out a QR code with 10 Feathercoins on. Watch this video for a demonstration of the Feathercoin ATM and Muddy’s engineering skills.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeGxEMHqmRA The next gadget we got to see in operation was the GridSeed miner brought along by the DemocraticRepublicOfDave. This is an incredibly neat gadget, it looks like a CPU heat sink and fan which connect to a computer by USB. It can mine either SHA-256 at 8GH or Scrypt at 320KH. That seems pretty magic in itself. Dave was kind enough to walk us through this low power magical device.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji1EcRfHw5UIt is good to talk to people who share the same enthusiasms over food and beers. We meetup every month and the more the merrier, remember that our meetups are open to people from all walks of crypto life and not just for feathercoiners no matter what your coin is you will be made very welcome.
The next meetup is an extra special occasion as it is going to be our 1st Birthday bash. Some of the team are meeting up again this week to talk over ideas for the Birthday weekend, so if you have anything you would like to see included in the festivities please make a post in the thread and we will do what we can.
Prostate Cancer UK
by @Uncle_Muddy
We are well on our way to the 6,000 FTC goal. I’m currently working on a couple of ideas to get us over the finish line, and also talking to PCUK about making a presentation to them on the Saturday of the Birthday Weekender, but in the mean time if you would like to donate a few feathers to the cause then you can using the address below6eshhwBr7W8ynbFobDyoMD5zPK9F5E5ghP
Feather Roller
_by @Calem_Inspired by a Flappy Bird clone and in homage to the original Sonic, Feather Roller is an infinite runner where the goal is to dodge the enemies and the collect the ftc. Controls and version updates can be found here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAtZ74BSbmU This is my first hand at making a game and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope in the future, the game will actually mine ftc for the player if they choose to do so. I’ll be making updates to the game at some stage that will add levels, animated character’s and buttons and many more idea’s. If there’s anything you think I’m missing, drop me a comment on the thread.
If you would like to try your hand at this fun little game you can download it, why not post your scores in the thread and let others see how you got on?
Merchant Watch
by @Ruthie
**buygolfshirts.com**We are proud to announce that as of the 30th March buygolfshirts.com have started accepting FTC as a payment method on their site.
From the sales floor to the construction zone, front desk to back lot, company picnic to charity golf outing, we’ve got the ideal sports shirt to fit the situation. Offering customisation on a huge range of product we are sure you will be able to find something to fit your needs.
So next time your looking for a customised sports shirt no matter what the occasion, why not contact the guys at buygolfshirts.com first and pay with some of your feathers?
From now on Merchant Watch will become a regular section of the news letter, and over the coming weeks we are intending to put up a new merchant section on the forum, making it easier for you to find places to spend your feathercoin.
Feathercoin Android Wallet
by Uncle Muddy
Some of you are aware that there is currently an issue with our Android Wallet app not being able to sync with the blockchain. It is based on the old way of using IRC to connect to the network. A couple of the devs have taken a quick look at this problem but are currently tied up on other projects so to this end we have raised a bounty of 5,000FTC for the development of a new Android wallet.As a minimum the following features should include:
No cloud server or web service
Display of wallet balance in Feathercoin and various other fiat currencies (currencies selected via app settings)
Sending and receiving of Feathercoin via NFC, QR-codes or Feathercoin URLs
Address book for regularly used Feathercoin addresses
Enter transactions while offline, will be executed when online
Manages blockchain on the device
System notifications for Feathercoin connectivity and received coins
Private key import via QR Code scanning
The finished product needs to be available via open source so further development can be carried out by other people, all code should be made available via GitHub.
by ChrisJ
Many in cryptoland treat it like a big casino, checking the price all day, sitting back waiting to get rich fuelled by a relentless desire for future comfort and a final resting place.This has created an opportunity for nefarious enterprising minds to make themselves the owners of this big casino. They set up exchanges, start online magazines, bribe shills on social media all so that they can control the information for all their new found customers.
They realise that if they control the information they control the beliefs and controlling beliefs means controlling the price.
But it’s not beliefs that make us who we are, our behaviour does. The reason people like Hull Council want to work with Feathercoin is because it’s full of good people who work hard and stay focussed long after it’s fashionable.
Don’t wait for permission to get involved just do it then talk about it. You can PM Ruthie or me and we will feature you in a future newsletter.
You can find the last official newsletter here: The Heroes. Today special thanks go to @Uncle_Muddy, @Calem, @Bushstar, @Ruthie & @ChrisJ for their contributions to this newsletter.
You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook or come on to the forum to stay up to date.
Thank-you for your time.
Wow another amazing read. Thanks for all the hard work guys.
Wonderful as always!
Great reading.
Thanks for all the work you put in this newsletter every week again and again
BTW what is Ven???
Had a read about Ven and its a digital currency but nothing like BTC or FTC essentially it seems to be a currency that is controlled byand used for purchases within a website. Its value is backed by actual commodities that have been paid for by the site owner with the intention of keeping the price stable. Any new coins are only added if more commodities are purchased. It has zero fees and is more a utility for the sites users to buy and sell things on the site.
Its more about trust than a real crypto currency maybe more like airmile points.
Here is a good article from coindesk.