Need help setting up to mine! Would like to start tonight asap!
@shadow1117 okay. Now when I try to get the address from my wallet, it just shows to receive money from…
@miningdude22 is it synced?
Yep so copy one of your “receiving addresses” and then run your miner like so
Pretend this addresses is MyFirstWallet
6r4het1EmgYeHQa3stHUtVgB63CkpMXG47ccminer.exe -i 15 -a neoscrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u 6r4het1EmgYeHQa3stHUtVgB63CkpMXG47 -p x
the above command says:
You’re running CCMiner.EXE with intensity at 15, you’ve chosen the neoScrypt Algo which feathercoin uses, you’ve pointed it to the p2pool running on using the stratum protocol on port 19327, your miner worker username/pass is your Feathercoin payout address and the password “x” is just there to complete the command. the p2pool software recognises your payoutaddress/username and pays that.
edit: you have to run CCminer from CMD or create a .bat file to run ccminer
@AcidD Ok. Still kind of confused. I have a give me coins account. Now I do the same thing you just told me but nothing comes up…
@shadow1117 Okay got it!
@miningdude22 so you are mining now?
if you need more help just ask we give our best to help annyone ;-)
@shadow1117 no not mining now. still stuck man. I’m trying to look up tutorials but cant find anything anywhere… so I downloaded ccminer created an account at coin-o-tron and that’s all. then also downloaded the wallet ofcourse. but other then that I’m stuck…
so you have your wallet recieving address
you need the coinotron stratum address (can be found in their help section)
and a worker
and thats all so your .bat/.cmd file should look like this:
ccminer.exe -a neoscrypt -i 15 -o stratum+tcp:// -u Shadow1117.1 -p 1oh and you need to setup auto payout in your settings:
–deleted–put in something over 20 to avoid payout fees
oh lol now everyone knows my name :face_palm:
@shadow1117 opens but the windows closes fast… did I download theccminer wrong???
@miningdude22 write pause in the next line in the .bat file than you can see the error message
@shadow1117 ccminer is not recognized as an internal or external batch file
‘ccminer.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. that’s what its saying -
@miningdude22 the .bat file is in the same folder as the miner?
yeah it is
@miningdude22 the .exe file of the miner is named ccminer?
not something like “ccminer_nosync_cuda75” -
@shadow1117 “ccminer-neoscrypt-win-1.5.80” is the file name
@miningdude22 rename it or put it in the bat file as is
nothing. but I am close… I redownloaded the ccminer and extracted it this time and loaded the miner and started mining… but I cannot get it to mine on my stuff…
@miningdude22 so what is your current state? what is the command line you used to start the miner?
I can’t tell anything about cointron, but if you are using the p2pool on point your browser to, scroll down and check the list of connected miners for the wallet address you are using for ccminer. If you can’t find it, check for a similar address and check for typos in your ccminer call.
Also you may start ccminer in debug mode and check for error messages.