Regtest Mode development for Feathercoin
RegTest version now building blocks, 1 by one. So, made some progress :
~/Feathercoin/src$ ./feathercoin-cli -regtest getblockchaininfo { "chain" : "regtest", "blocks" : 5, "bestblockhash" : "84b44ec0bf52a1349c79809d64c512ea64de5c873828fa2ac39148293cde6b98", "difficulty" : 0.00000000, "verificationprogress" : 1.00000000, "chainwork" : "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001e" }
error message
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument
RegTest debugging
Regtest script setgenerate is run from :
elif cmd == "setgenerate": try: gen= raw_input("Generate? (true/false): ") cpus = raw_input("Max processors/cores (-1 for unlimited, optional):") try: print access.setgenerate(gen, cpus) except: print access.setgenerate(gen) except:
However get error :
./feathercoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 101 1 error: {"code":-1,"message":"setgenerate generate ( genproclimit )\n\nSet 'generate' true or false to turn generation on or off.\nGeneration is limited to 'genproclimit' processors, -1 is unlimited.\nSee the getgenerate call for the current setting.\n\nArguments:\n1. generate (boolean, required) Set to true to turn on generation, off to turn off.\n2. genproclimit (numeric, optional) Set the processor limit for when generation is on. Can be -1 for unlimited.\n Note: in -regtest mode, genproclimit controls how many blocks are generated immediately.\n\nExamples:\n\nSet the generation on with a limit of one processor\n> feathercoin-cli setgenerate true 1\n\nCheck the setting\n> feathercoin-cli getgenerate \n\nTurn off generation\n> feathercoin-cli setgenerate false\n\nUsing json rpc\n> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", \"method\": \"setgenerate\", \"params\": [true, 1] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n"}
So try ./feathercoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 4
i.e. generate = true
number of cpu cores = 4./feathercoin-cli -regtest getblockchaininfo { "chain" : "regtest", "blocks" : 11, "bestblockhash" : "91750ef4a6f96500a2b76f00e38823f1f230919f58a2051184e17a44f7bdaf8d", "difficulty" : 0.00000000, "verificationprogress" : 1.00000000, "chainwork" : "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000031" }
Showing the top match Last indexed on 18 Oct 2016
Removed RPC commands:
. -
New options were added to
If you run setgenerate true too rapidly in regtest mode, bitcoind can crash with /home/ubuntu/install/include/boost/thread/pthread/condition_variable_fwd.hpp:81: boost::condition_variable::~condition_variable(): Assertion `!ret' failed. This was reproduced with the Linux 64bit gitian binary. Sometimes it kills bitcoind without a visible asert failure. Sometimes bitcoind just misses the RPC entirely without any visible error and without killing bitcoind.
[FAQ] Where are coins generated, in software terms?
Regtest and Testnet are special cases of normal mining.
Each has a set of parameters, ports and directories to work with but otherwise goes through the same code.
Testnet set-ups are done to test an event, like a fork, regression testing is similar but does not connect to the internet.
Instead of a miner regtest uses ./feathercoin-cli and passed commands to feathercoind to mine some coins.
./feathercoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 1
setgenerate is deprecated and the new command will be generate for later (than versions.
void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, CWallet* pwallet, int nThreads) { static boost::thread_group* minerThreads = NULL; printf("Here in coin generation\n"); // RegTest Debug if (nThreads < 0) { if (Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::REGTEST) nThreads = 1; else nThreads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } if (minerThreads != NULL) { minerThreads->interrupt_all(); delete minerThreads; minerThreads = NULL; } if (nThreads == 0 || !fGenerate) return; minerThreads = new boost::thread_group(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) minerThreads->create_thread(boost::bind(&FeathercoinMiner, pwallet)); }
Current status getting regtest running :
Various issues are affecting how complex it is to set up regtest. Whilst some are addressed there is still an unknown issue.
Creating Genesis Block and regtest directory
./feathercoind -regtest -listen=0 -debug -daemon Searching for genesis block... genesis.nTime = 1396255061 genesis.nNonce = 3250989159 genesis.nVersion = 3 genesis.hashMerkleRoot = 97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9 genesis.GetHash = 29d5f68acf1fb95303120bb51c35a32d270bd736235f928de49b94d87a3782a8 Feathercoin server starting ReserverKeyFromPool 1.1 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 1.2 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 1.3 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 2.1 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 2.2 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 2.3 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 3.1 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 3.2 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 3.3 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 3.4 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 4.1 - wallet.cpp
Getting Blockchain info :
./feathercoin-cli -regtest getblockchaininfo { "chain" : "regtest", "blocks" : 0, "bestblockhash" : "29d5f68acf1fb95303120bb51c35a32d270bd736235f928de49b94d87a3782a8", "difficulty" : 0.00000000, "verificationprogress" : 1.00000000, "chainwork" : "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002" } generatebitcoins 1.1 - rpcmining.cpp FeathercoinMiner FeathercoinMiner 2 FeathercoinMiner 2.1 FeathercoinMiner 2.2 In CreateNewBlockWithKey 1 miner.cpp InGetReservedKey 1.1-wallet.cpp InGetReservedKey 1.1.1-wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 1.1 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 1.2 - wallet.cpp ReserverKeyFromPool 1.3 - wallet.cpp
Where it is hanging on creating a block, whilst getting a public key in wallet.dat :
void CWallet::ReserveKeyFromKeyPool(int64_t& nIndex, CKeyPool& keypool) { printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 1.1 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug nIndex = -1; printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 1.2 - wallet.cpp\n", keypool.vchPubKey); // RegTest Debug keypool.vchPubKey = CPubKey(); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 1.3 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug { LOCK(cs_wallet); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 2.1 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug if (!IsLocked()) { printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 2.2 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug TopUpKeyPool(); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 2.3 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug } // Get the oldest key if(setKeyPool.empty()) return; printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 3.1 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug CWalletDB walletdb(strWalletFile); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 3.2 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug nIndex = *(setKeyPool.begin()); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 3.3 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug setKeyPool.erase(setKeyPool.begin()); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 3.4 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug if (!walletdb.ReadPool(nIndex, keypool)) throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool() : read failed"); if (!HaveKey(keypool.vchPubKey.GetID())) throw runtime_error("ReserveKeyFromKeyPool() : unknown key in key pool"); assert(keypool.vchPubKey.IsValid()); printf("ReserverKeyFromPool 4.1 - wallet.cpp\n"); // RegTest Debug // if (fDebug) LogPrintf("keypool reserve %d\n", nIndex);
Which is called from miner.cpp :
CBlockTemplate* CreateNewBlockWithKey(CReserveKey& reservekey) { CPubKey pubkey; printf("In CreateNewBlockWithKey 1 miner.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug if (!reservekey.GetReservedKey(pubkey)) { printf("In CreateNewBlockWithKey !reservekey.GetReservedKey(pubkey)) 1.1 miner.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug return NULL; } printf("In CreateNewBlockWithKey 2 miner.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug CScript scriptPubKey = CScript() << pubkey << OP_CHECKSIG; printf("In CreateNewBlockWithKey 3 miner.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug return CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey); }
rpcmining.cpp ~L176
./feathercoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 1
// -regtest mode: don't return until nGenProcLimit blocks are generated if (fGenerate && Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::REGTEST) { printf("generate 5.1 rpcmining.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug int nHeightStart = 0; int nHeightEnd = 0; int nHeight = 0; int nGenerate = (nGenProcLimit > 0 ? nGenProcLimit : 1); { // Don't keep cs_main locked printf("generate 5.2 lock rpcmining.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug LOCK(cs_main); nHeightStart = chainActive.Height(); nHeight = nHeightStart; nHeightEnd = nHeightStart+nGenerate; } int nHeightLast = -1; while (nHeight < nHeightEnd) { if (nHeightLast != nHeight) { nHeightLast = nHeight; printf("generate 5.3 Generate in rpcmining.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug GenerateBitcoins(fGenerate, pwalletMain, 1); } MilliSleep(1); { // Don't keep cs_main locked LOCK(cs_main); nHeight = chainActive.Height(); } printf("generate 5.4 Generate out rpcmining.cpp: nheight %d Start %d End %d Last %d \n", nHeight, nHeightStart, nHeightEnd, nHeightLast ); //RegTest Debug } printf("generate 5.5 out rpcmining.cpp\n"); //RegTest Debug } else // Not -regtest: start generate thread, return immediately { mapArgs["-gen"] = (fGenerate ? "1" : "0"); mapArgs ["-genproclimit"] = itostr(nGenProcLimit); GenerateBitcoins(fGenerate, pwalletMain, nGenProcLimit); } return Value::null; }
generate 5.4 Generate out rpcmining.cpp: nheight 0 Start 0 End 1 Last 0 generate 5.4 Generate out rpcmining.cpp: nheight 0 Start 0 End 1 Last 0 generate 5.4 Generate out rpcmining.cpp: nheight 0 Start 0 End 1 Last 0 generate 5.4 Generate out rpcmining.cpp: nheight 0 Start 0 End 1 Last 0
miner.cpp L683
GenerateBitcoins called from rpcmining.cpp
void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate, CWallet* pwallet, int nThreads) { printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.1 L664 miner.cpp \n"); // RegTest Debug static boost::thread_group* minerThreads = NULL; printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.2 - miner.cpp \n"); // RegTest Debug if (nThreads < 0) { if (Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::REGTEST) nThreads = 1; else nThreads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.3 miner threads miner.cpp \n"); // RegTest Debug if (minerThreads != NULL) { minerThreads->interrupt_all(); delete minerThreads; minerThreads = NULL; } if (nThreads == 0 || !fGenerate) return; printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.4 create thread miner.cpp \n"); // RegTest Debug minerThreads = new boost::thread_group(); printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.5 create miners miner.cpp \n"); // RegTest Debug for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) minerThreads->create_thread(boost::bind(&FeathercoinMiner, pwallet)); printf("In GenerateBitcoins - 1.6 exiting GenerateBitcoins \n"); // RegTest Debug }
RegTest is now working in the test version, Scrypt only. It need setting up to do that, so I’ll try resetting it up with the fixes @Bushstar has done to the 0.9.6.x series - Scrypt / Neoscrypt interface.
{ "chain" : "regtest", "blocks" : 222, "bestblockhash" : "95ce08426d17cfb6bc6bf519d479ec0c2f29827c7165fd71d0a005d8877c8768", "difficulty" : 0.00000000, "verificationprogress" : 1.00000000, "chainwork" : "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0" }
RegTest is now working with scrypt, just clearing up a few anomalies with the halving calculation and testing it.
The calculation should include nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 256; from chainparams.cpp …
int64_t GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64_t nFees) { int64_t nSubsidy = 200 * COIN; if(nHeight >= nForkThree || (TestNet() || RegTest()) ) nSubsidy = 80 * COIN; // Halving subsidy happens every 2,100,000 blocks. The code below takes account for the // fact that the first 204,639 blocks took 2.5 minutes and after changed to 1 minute. nSubsidy >>= (nHeight + 306960) / 2100000; return nSubsidy + nFees; }
Trying this :
if (!RegTest()) { nSubsidy >>= (nHeight + 306960) / 2100000; } else { int halvings = nHeight / Params().SubsidyHalvingInterval(); if (halvings >= 64) return nFees; nSubsidy >>= halvings; }
[FAQ] What is RegTest mode?
RegTest, or Regression Testing mode loads up a compact set of initiating parameters and creates a genesis block in the .feathercoin/regtest directory. Coins can created by running setgenerate (soon to be generate) in the command line interface.
This branch ( dev) contains a working RegTest, sync speed up and Bush’s latest fixes.
In Regtest mode you create a test wallet and generate coins to experiment with.
RegTest now uses noescrypt. setgenerate -1 (seems to) works with the daemon, but not the wallet. The halving is set at 256
Pretty cool watching your generated coins come in to the wallet, although they do slow down as the difficulty increases. I’ve been through 2 halvenings.
After compiling :
cd ~/Feathercoin/src ./feathercoind -regtest -listen=0 -debug -daemon ./feathercoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 300 ./feathercoin-cli -regtest getinfo
To start up a test wallet in Regression Test mode
cd ~/Feathercoin/src/qt ./feathercoin-qt -regtest -listen=0 -debug
Well done Gentlemen ::thumbsup: