Feathercoin 0.17.0
I’m using PPA from you. On 3rd or 4th re-sync it seems fine actually. Not sure what was/is the root cause here. I would say the synchronization is pretty unstable process on my vps ssd environment. I still see ContextualCheckBlockHeader error from time to time but so far it seems fine. Will report back if I see something suspicious.
Thanks for the update and I’m glad that it finally works for you
Update: There should be a fix for your problem in the next release (0.17.1)
The new Version is relased
@cryptogrinder -
cool stuff… thank you!! will try it out
As an aside the home page still links the 17.0.0 version for 32bit (which yeah, blows up for me)
getting it in the 17.0.1 64 bit version too. maybe something has haapened to my wallet hmm. time to do some digging
something has happened on this block
- it always dies there even when i stop network activity and close and reopen (to advance how far along it is in loading the block chain). i’m going try redownloading the whole block chain unless someone has an idea
i moved the wallet over to a fresh install of the 64 bit version with no block chain. then let it go (stopping once to make sure if i had to start over i didnt have to go ALLL the way back to the beginning) it finished and everything is good.
i am curious though. as my wallet is fairly old as feathercoin goes. is there a way to get hd key generation enabled without making a new wallet and transferring my funds?
mhh, I’m using the 0.17.0/0.17.1 version of the client and my original wallet is from 2014.
I didn’t have the problems you faced and all upgrades worked well.
As far as I know you need a clean wallet to enable hd key generatation, but you can dump your private keys to the console, copy/paste the keys to a safe place, delete the wallet.dat file and start the client. It then have hd keys enabled and generate an hd key for you. As soon as that is done you can add your private keys from the console and rescan the blockchain to get your coins.