Feathercoin vs Litecoin
Lets say I am an investor, what advantages are there compared to Litecoin?
Litecoin is already a strong second place after bitcoin, so as an investment it is relatively more secure.
Any thought?
You could be right but I believe at this point an investor would weigh a secure investment vs higher returns feathercoin is only about 6 months old and very quickly gained its position in the top 5 coins if not the top 3 (opinions may differ) I just feel feathercoin has more room to grow and even after the spike in price is still undervalued.
Just my 2 feathers I’m no expert.
[quote name=“lesliewu” post=“35895” timestamp=“1385206521”]
Lets say I am an investor, what advantages are there compared to Litecoin?Litecoin is already a strong second place after bitcoin, so as an investment it is relatively more secure.
Any thought?
[/quote]Well, the advantages are that FTC is a hell of a lot cheaper than LTC. Whilst Litecoin is the second biggest/popular crypto, hopefully FTC will become the third, and with FTC being so cheap ATM there’s great potential for a decent return. Of course, you could put more money into Litecoin and see a big return also, but that’s the gamble with cryptos. Alternatively, you could plough a load into one of the other currencies and hope for a massive return there.
First of all hello and welcome to the forum.
Like Kris this is just my opinion and I would say the answer to your question is that it’s the wrong question. This is because:[list]
[*]You will never get a straight answer since most people in the crypto scene speak from a position of self interest.
[*]It’s a false dichotomy because you can invest in a range of coins proportionate to your investment hypothesis (and betting against yourself is not a bad idea)
[*]This is a giant lab, virgin territory - nobody knows anything especially me
[hr]I never tell anyone to invest in any of these coins because I think it’s irresponsible, this is like a giant laboratory and all of these coins are highly speculative when looked at from a financial perspective as many people are trying increase their purchasing power by buying low selling high. The trouble with [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium]that strategy[/url] is that you are trying to second guess the behaviour of a large group of individuals, an equation that goes something like:
“If other people have the same information I do will they buy this asset? If yes then buy”.
You’re anticipating the demands of future investors and buying what they want ahead of time with the intention of selling in to their buy orders for profit later.
The second part to this strategy involves making predictions on what information future investors will interpret as strong buying signals. Your hypothesis is technical features, other people might prefer survivability or stewardship of the coin by its founders, some might see marketing as the deciding factor. The point is nobody knows anything because this is virgin territory and while there’s no downside to having a hypothesis what you do with yours must be your decision and yours alone.
I can speak from my personal standpoint which is that I chose to invest in a diverse range of coins for the long term (years) with a modest amount of profit release in the medium term to cover my initial investment. I mostly look for:
[*]The people behind the project and their capabilities
[*]Their ability to understand respond to problems
[*]Their ability to survive and grow from failure (commitment over long term)
[*]Their ability to communicate to new people entering the market and recruit new people on to their team
[*]Marketing and strong leadership
[*]Their intentions - people don’t buy [i]what[/i] you do they buy [i]why[/i] you do it
[/list]I chose Feathercoin to invest my time in to because it was a group of friendly proactive people who put community at the heart of the project. Since I believe in the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjective_theory_of_value]subjective theory of value[/url] I also think all of these coins are propped up by perception, therefore the most important investment must go in to the people behind the project since they are the ones who shape the perception. But this is just my hypothesis and I am just one voice in the market among many.
I also think there’s something that a lot of other coins, including Bitcoin, haven’t taken in to consideration which is the marginal profitability of mining over the long term. Payment processing (the mining) is a huge profit centre at the heart of the global banking system but the question is should it be? With Bitcoin the mining profitability over the long term is marginal, therefore what are we going to do when if many miners decide to switch off their rigs when they start counting losses?
Do we need a new class of worker to provide payment processing not simply for profit but also as a vocation? This is an unanswered question but one that comes up very often around here so I want to be part of this dialogue, I want to surround myself with the most interesting people asking the most relevant questions.
Blockchain projects that I like are: FTC, BTC, NMC, XPM, Gridcoin, Bitmessage, Zerocoin, Dark Wallet, [url=http://invictus-innovations.com/]Invictus Innovations[/url].
Like I say just my opinion, others are sure to disagree which is half the fun.
[quote name=“chrisj” post=“35926” timestamp=“1385218875”]
[*]You will never get a straight answer since most people in the crypto scene speak from a position of self interest.
[*]It’s a false dichotomy because you can invest in a range of coins proportionate to your investment hypothesis (and betting against yourself is not a bad idea)
[*]This is a giant lab, virgin territory - nobody knows anything especially me
[/quote]This is wise advice.
At the end of the day, there’s three ultimate options with cryptos: 1) You’ll lose a lot if not all of your money, 2) you’ll make a little profit, or 3) you’ll make a hell of a lot. It’s a gamble, so only put in what you’re willing to lose and enjoy the wild ride.
[quote name=“hilariousandco” post=“35933” timestamp=“1385220930”]
It’s a gamble, so only put in what you’re willing to lose and enjoy the wild ride.
[/quote]You nailed it, do it for the journey.
[quote name=“chrisj” post=“35926” timestamp=“1385218875”]
Blockchain projects that I like are: [b]FTC[/b], BTC, NMC, XPM, [b]Gridcoin[/b], Bitmessage, Zerocoin, Dark Wallet, [url=http://invictus-innovations.com/]Invictus Innovations[/url].
[/quote]I like most of your list ^^ ;)
Thank you for the input guys.
Let me ask the question this way. I see the value of feathercoin, and all other coins, as proportional to how widely is it adopted by merchants etc. Are there any technical advantages over litecoin? Both appear to me as very similar. Are there compelling reasons for a merchant to adopt feathercoin as well as litecoin and bitcoin?
[quote name=“lesliewu” post=“36041” timestamp=“1385242614”]
Thank you for the input guys.Let me ask the question this way. I see the value of feathercoin, and all other coins, as proportional to how widely is it adopted by merchants etc. Are there any technical advantages over litecoin? Both appear to me as very similar. Are there compelling reasons for a merchant to adopt feathercoin as well as litecoin and bitcoin?
[/quote]In terms of the protocol itself aside from the number of coins, which can have [url=http://bitcoinmagazine.com/8274/the-psychology-of-decimals/]psychological benefits[/url] and the difficulty retargets in the algorithm, as yet both Litecoin and Feathercoin are the same. In terms of merchant adoption though that would not depend so much on the technicals of the protocol (not one merchant has asked me about this so far) but about the amount of sales they would get from accepting the coin which would depend on things like the willingness of the holders to spend it and the liveliness of the community itself.
Quite a few Feathercoins are shared on this forum alone and that’s just in terms of gifts and tips. That is much more likely to happen when there are more coins to go around.
Also I believe Feathercoin’s transaction fees are lower, but I might be wrong about that. It’s all too easy to focus on the west but actually the people who need this technology the most don’t even have bank accounts and transaction fees are important.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need anymore clarification. I am sure others will chime in.
It’s only a matter of time until we have exchanges like [url=http://buttercoin.com/]Buttercoin[/url] and [url=http://mocurex.com/]Mocurex[/url] along with multi coin wallets like [url=http://grabhive.com/]Hive[/url] and merchants will be able to accept a whole range of virtual currencies in one simple Point of Sale. Making this something of a moot point. -
[quote name=“lesliewu” post=“36041” timestamp=“1385242614”]
Thank you for the input guys.Let me ask the question this way. I see the value of feathercoin, and all other coins, as proportional to how widely is it adopted by merchants etc. Are there any technical advantages over litecoin? Both appear to me as very similar. Are there compelling reasons for a merchant to adopt feathercoin as well as litecoin and bitcoin?
[/quote]There is ACP system and more granulated difficulty adjustments then in Litecoin…
Best thread yet. +1, everyone.
[quote name=“Kevlar” post=“36061” timestamp=“1385249210”]
Best thread yet. +1, everyone.
[/quote]Cool, I’ll send you my invoice 8)
As for adopt-ability, it would be just as easy for someone who knows how to setup and buy bitcoin to setup their litecoin wallets and use litecoins. virtually no difference there. Similarly, it’s just as easy to use visa as mastercard, or amex, or discover. Accepting the different types of coins would then present not much difficulty, as merchants already accept multiple cards, even checks, and cash. What the merchant is selling could be more telling as to what they will accept, as it would make more sense for a food truck to sell their foods in litecoin or feathercoin, then in bitcoin. It would make more sense for a car dealer or real estate company to sell in bitcoin.
Hi All, I’m new to the Feathercoin community. This is exactly the sort of discussion that I was looking for. Thank you.