[Guide] Feathercoin wallet PPA and binaries on Raspian, Ubuntu and Debian Linux
There are installation packages for many Linux distributions available at : https://software.opensuse.org/package/feathercoin
In order to install the Feathercoin wallet and daemon on a Debian/Ubuntu system perform the following tasks:
As Super user (or sudo) create a file named opensuse.list in the directory
/etc/apt/sources.list.dsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opensuse.list
with the following line:
deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/wellenreiter01/<YOUR OS NAME> ./
deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/wellenreiter01/xUbuntu_22.04 ./
Please note that the file contains only one line!
Valid names for <YOUR OS NAME> are- xUbuntu_18.04
- xUbuntu_18.10
- xUbuntu_20.04
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Debian_9.0
- Debian_10
- Raspian_9.0
- Raspbian_10.0
- Raspbian_10
Signing Key installation:
In order to use the repository to install software you need to add the repository’s key to your system.
Copy the lines below into a file named Release.key and include the lines -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- and -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)mQENBGI4QDMBCADX2bqvu1teVXe5kFroL+3T8suigvwYN2pZ3evlPPFxIVz3XF23
-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----Then add the key to your system:
sudo apt-key add Release.key
Then install the feathercoin gui and daemon:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install feathercoin
The commands to start the GUI or the daemon are :
- feathercoin-qt
- feathercoind
- feathercoin-cli
Awesome! I just tested this on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 and it works fine. Im not sure why I couldnt install via the .deb file and Software Center - but this worked!
What would the process be for updating when a new version of the wallet is released?
Thanks, tip coming your way!
Many thanks for the feedback.
For 0.9.3 for 0.9.3 and 0.9.5 Lizhi used a new library to read qr-codes, which is not part of all distributions. By adding my opensuse repository to the sources list the library is added by apt-get from that one, so the dependencies are solved.
For new releases you just need to state the ‘apt-get update’ and apt-get install feathercoin’ to get the latest release. If you have the system configured for automatic updates you probably don’t need to do anything
@Wellenreiter said:
Many thanks for the feedback.
For 0.9.3 for 0.9.3 and 0.9.5 Lizhi used a new library to read qr-codes, which is not part of all distributions. By adding my opensuse repository to the sources list the library is added by apt-get from that one, so the dependencies are solved.
For new releases you just need to state the ‘apt-get update’ and apt-get install feathercoin’ to get the latest release. If you have the system configured for automatic updates you probably don’t need to do anything
Ah, that makes sense!
Perfect, thats easy enough!!
thanks again!
After installing im getting
feathercoin-qt: command not found
please help
This post is deleted! -
The feathercoin-qt binary should be in /usr/bin.you may need to use the command: ‘/usr/bin/feathercoin-qt’
If that doesn’t work, try to find the feathercoin-qt binary with the command ‘sudo find / -name feathercoin-qt’
If no feathercoin-qt is found, please post your exact operating system and version, so I can investigate on your problem
Any help to install feathercoin-cli ?? Thanks ;)
Hi Sherlock, did you get help on this?
I think it may have got lost, try clicking on the support sub thread and posting there. More chance someone will get an email notification that you have a problem…
@SherlockStd unfortunately feathercoin-cli is not in the package … yet.
I will change that as soon as I can.
@twisterella said:
After installing im getting
feathercoin-qt: command not found
please help
I have just noticed your query, did you manage to solve your problem?
Just noting that, installing binaries thread is effectively a Feathercoin PPA
It would be a good idea to have a link to this thread, or link to a new FTC PPA page? A page that automatically adds the key reference …
A link to our “official” “PPA” build by Wellenreiter? or offers a link to the “Download” unofficial wallet builds for Linux distros it goes to now.
The feathercoin-qt files do not show up when I run the Linux PPA. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04. I have tried compiling the qt and it just core dumps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best deal with this issue in one place : Support
In debian 8 (32bit) I’m able to have feathercoind but no feathercoin-qt (no file in /usr/bin).
Any clue ?
Thanks for you great job @Wellenreiter !
@looarn said in [Guide] Feathercoin wallet PPA and binaries on Ubuntu and Debian Linux:
In debian 8 (32bit) I’m able to have feathercoind but no feathercoin-qt (no file in /usr/bin).
Any clue ?
Thanks for you great job @Wellenreiter !
I’m working on that
I hope to get the qt wallet with the next release version which is planned for January -
Linux Install instructions : package home:wellenreiter01 / feathercoin
@Wellenreiter Can you update the OP with which Linux versions are supported. I thought you dropped Ubuntu 14.
There is a package from packager p_conrad. I’ve been in contact with him and verified, that he uses our github to create his packages, so for the time being we can leave Ubuntu 14.04 in, I think -
I recently installed debian 9 on a machine… anything for that yet?
As user I understand a lot of changes going on… I will try this on debian 8.
Thanks for your work,