FTC-In-A-Box (docker environment)
Hey Team!
OK, I finally got the docker in a box working and repo uploaded.
I wrote up some simple instructions on how to get started. Basically, what this allows you to do, is spin up a 3 containers. 1 container is running two daemons of feathercoind built from the feathercoin/feathercoin github repo. Specifically the branch. The 2nd container is running a copy of iquidus explorer built from the master branch of it’s repository. I can only get part of it working at the moment. It connects to this regtest cluster automatically, and shows blocks, but I can’t get any blocks to list after I generate some. The 3rd container is a mongodb container to run the db for iquidus.
Feel free to check it out. Excited to have something like this working. Hope is to make the explorer fully work, and allow developers who want to get into feathercoin have an easy way to write APIs and test. Check it out.
That deserves some (Github) stars, well done.