[Guide] Feathercoin wallet PPA and binaries on Raspian, Ubuntu and Debian Linux
The feathercoin-qt files do not show up when I run the Linux PPA. My OS is Ubuntu 14.04. I have tried compiling the qt and it just core dumps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Best deal with this issue in one place : Support
In debian 8 (32bit) I’m able to have feathercoind but no feathercoin-qt (no file in /usr/bin).
Any clue ?
Thanks for you great job @Wellenreiter !
@looarn said in [Guide] Feathercoin wallet PPA and binaries on Ubuntu and Debian Linux:
In debian 8 (32bit) I’m able to have feathercoind but no feathercoin-qt (no file in /usr/bin).
Any clue ?
Thanks for you great job @Wellenreiter !
I’m working on that
I hope to get the qt wallet with the next release version which is planned for January -
Linux Install instructions : package home:wellenreiter01 / feathercoin
@Wellenreiter Can you update the OP with which Linux versions are supported. I thought you dropped Ubuntu 14.
There is a package from packager p_conrad. I’ve been in contact with him and verified, that he uses our github to create his packages, so for the time being we can leave Ubuntu 14.04 in, I think -
I recently installed debian 9 on a machine… anything for that yet?
As user I understand a lot of changes going on… I will try this on debian 8.
Thanks for your work,
Best! -
I’m sorry, but due to a change of the ssl libraries used in Debian 9 the wallet currently doesn’t compile on Debian 9.We are working on a fix
Updated the PGP key in first post
Updated OS versions in first post:
New OS:
- Debian_9
- xUbuntu_18.04
Updated OS versions in first post:
New OS:
Updated OS version list in first post:
New OS:
Raspian 9.0
Raspian 10Removed OS:
Debian 7
Debian 8Changed topic title to reflect Raspian OS
There is a new repository key released.
The old key was outdated. I updated the first post with the new key to reflect the change.Users with an existing installation need to add the new key using ‘apt-key’ as described in the first post
New OS: Raspian_10.0
Hi @Wellenreiter, Are you planning on adding the omnifeather install package anytime soon? or is there a workaround that I can use to get it installed on a ubuntu machine? Thanks.
This post is deleted! -
Updated OS version list in first post:
New OS:
- Ubuntu 22.04
Updated packages to Feathercoin version 19.2
New OS:
Ubuntu 22.04
Updated packages to Feathercoin version 19.2See first post for installation procedures